
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dr. to Dr. Black Holes

More Revealed in Prize Package 2013

Hunks Clubhouse Visits UFC in Chicago

Hunks Clubhouse recently visited the muscle men of UFC. Here is a video and some pics.


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2013 HandyJ Fantasy Baseball Draft
Winman's House
Saturday, March 23rd 

Autograph and Photo opportunities with all the 2013 Managers
The Muscle, Steel, and Sex Appeal of Hunk's Clubhouse
Dangerous Dean
The 2013 HandyJ Championship Package
Roberts' Home Brew
a girlfriend who is ready to leave
and an appearance from Neoga's celebrity drunk Shae Banning!!!*


Draft starts at 2pm central time or a quarter past 3 Neoga standard time. Be there by 1:30 to ensure your front row seat to the one man bukkake show "Some like it Camden"**for free!

*Shae Banning not guaranteed to appear if deceased. Not guaranteed to yell out random retired player's names and attempt to smoke in the house. Not guaranteed to remind managers of all their older relatives that he graduated with. Managers guaranteed to not give a fuck about Shae Banning.

**Camden not officially scheduled to appear and/or guaranteed to perform bukkake. Shae Banning not guaranteed to perform bukkake, but after a few beers... No exchanges. No refunds. Content availability may change. Must be a legal resident of the U.S. or Canada, 18 and over. Void in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Quebec.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ray Lewis

Ray Lewis has two Super Bowl rings. One for each man he killed. It was God's will. This makes Hunk wonder...if I kill some thug apes, will I in return win the 2013 HandyJ. Let us pray...