What a deal I stumbled upon after work this morning. I checked out a garage sale in Mahomet that advertised sports cards and boy oh boy! I'm assuming the previous owner wasn't present at today's sale because I bought about 700 Topps baseball and football cards from the 1970's for $8. The box of football cards was priced at $4 while the baseball cards were 10 for a quarter. The sale was being ran by two Jr high girls(maybe mom was on break). They were struggling with the math of how much to charge me. I said, "hey yo, every fourty cards is a buck". They looked at each other and one said, "Uh, i guess, like, four dollars for that one...so then, eight dollars all together"? Bargin.
Now, the football cards were labeled "70's Topps football" so there wasn't any reason to check them out one by one, I was going to buy them. I briefly thumbed through the baseball and saw enough with "Sweet Lou", Filipe Alou and Randy Hundley to know I would buy the full box. Listening to the HandyJ song of the week the entire 17 minute drive back to Champaign, I forgot about my purchase.
I finally grabbed a handful out a couple hours after I got home. The following are the highlights of what I found. Soon I will post by 50's and 60's Topps I purchased two weekends ago from an older gentleman in Savoy. Enjoy with this weeks song!
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